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Sediment generation and management from unsealed forest roads and tracks

Gary Sheridan and Philip Noske

Forest Science Centre, Department of Sustainability and Environment, PO Box 137 Heidelberg, Vic 3084, Australia. Email:


Forest roads are likely to be the dominant source of human-induced sediment and nutrients delivered to streams from well managed forests. However there remains considerable uncertainty regarding the absolute levels and the range of concentrations and loads of sediment generated from forest roads. There is also little known regarding the processes of sediment generation and the sources of sediment within the road prism. Experiments were undertaken to fill these knowledge gaps, including the installation of permanent water quality monitoring equipment (10 sites over 4 years), rainfall simulation, and road and stream crossing mapping and characterisation. Results have been used to quantify and model sediment generation rates at a range of scales, and to investigate the sediment reduction techniques that will perform the best in the forest roading context.

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