Australian Agronomy Conference (All)

Title Author Keywords

4193 papers found from a total of 4193 Australian Agronomy Conference papers.

Id Publication Authors Title Type Link
2846 1987 I. Sofield, S. J. Gagen Development of a crop information service contributed
2847 1987 John Lacy The production line approach (PLA) contributed
2848 1987 W.D. Hamilton, J.D. Daniels Use of neighbourhood groups for developing technology contributed
2849 1987 P. Gillard, R. Monypenny Decision support for the adoption of improved pasture contributed
2850 1987 C.J. Birch, A.D. Sudhaus Farm records data base for management and education contributed
2851 1987 R.S. Kingwell, D. Tennant The relative profitability of long fallows in the Eastern wheatbelt of Western Australia contributed
2852 1987 P.J. Hughes Farm machinery on the central highlands contributed
2853 1987 Michael Jones Within reach - UK use of interactive programs workshop
2854 1987 Robert M. Colomb Future development of computers for farm decision support workshop
2855 1987 NF Clark Current use - farmer computer groups workshop
2856 1989 R.C. Rossiter Evaluation of genotypes of subterranean clover (t. subterraneum l.) in a Mediterranean environment: a personal and historical account donald-oration
2857 1989 G R Gregory Developing a national research profile for horticulture invited
2858 1989 B. Tugwell Post-harvest barriers to horticultural expansion invited
2859 1989 B.J.Watson Potential for horticultural expansion in the tropics invited
2860 1989 J.L. Davidsona, W.K. Andersonb, P.R. Dannc, W.K. Gardnerd, T.D. Pottere Environment of the high rainfall zone of Southern Australia and implications for agriculture invited
2861 1989 D.J. McFarlane, E.G. Barrett-Lennard, T.L. Setter Waterlogging: a hidden constraint to crop and pasture production in southern regions of Australia invited
2862 1989 H.E. Fels, J.M. Young. Relationships between cropping and livestock on mixed farms in southern Australia. invited
2863 1989 D.R. Kemp, D.A. Nicholas, and C.M. Oldham New discoveries in pasture research: current status & developments with temperate perennial pastures and shrubs in southern Australia invited
2864 1989 C.V. Malcolm Pasture production from saltland invited
2865 1989 D.J. Gillespie, Roles for new pasture legume species in Southern Australia invited
2866 1989 C.W. Thorn Management of annual legume pastures invited
2867 1989 P.T. Doyle, J.B. Rowe, B. Warren Nutritive value of pasture species invited
2868 1989 Dr. W. K. Gardner Coping with waterlogging in the high rainfall zones of southern australia invited
2869 1989 Dr G.C. MacNish Root diseases as a major constraint in high rainfall cropping systems invited
2870 1989 M.W. Perry Farming systems of Southern Australia invited
2871 1989 R.J. Delane, P. Nelson, R.J. French Roles of grain legumes in sustainable dryland cropping systems invited
2872 1989 M.A. Ewing The development of pasture legumes for the low rainfall cereal-livestock zone of Southern Australia invited
2873 1989 E.G. Barrett-Lennard, R.A. Nulsen Dryland soil salinity - cure, containment or catastrophe? invited
2874 1989 R.L. McCown Adapting farming systems research concepts to Australian research needs invited
2875 1989 D A Morrison, R S Kingwell, J Warren MIDAS: an economic modelling approach to determining research directions for wholefarm systems invited
2876 1989 D.R. Coventry, H.D. Brooke Development of a minimum tillage system: Rutherglen experience invited
2877 1989 S.J. Trevenen Developing a research and extension philosophy for an agricultural region invited
2878 1989 E.C.A. Runge Competition versus co-operation in crop production - demand enhancement versus supply control invited
2879 1989 E.C.A. Runge, S. Murdock, D.I. Padberg, B.A. Stout Solutions to problems of oversupply in crop agriculture invited
2880 1989 Willem J. Boma, Graeme I. Pearman The greenhouse effect: facts, predictions and uncertainties plenary
2881 1989 A. Barrie Pittock The greenhouse effect, regional climate change and Australian agriculture plenary
2882 1989 R.A. Nulsen Agriculture in south-western Australia in a greenhouse climate plenary
2883 1989 R.M. Gifford The effect of the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on crop productivity plenary
2884 1989 W. Gerardi, R. McMillan, B. Fisher Emerging world market opportunities for Australian agricultural commodities plenary
2885 1989 P.S. Cornish Market-driven research plenary
2886 1989 J.A. McComb New plant products - using Australia's genetic heritage plenary
2887 1989 John Childs, Using modern communications technology: turning on, not turning off plenary
2888 1989   Research and extension: delivering the goods plenary
2889 1989 J.M. Hercus Commercialization: the New Zealand experience plenary
2890 1989 D. Blesing Future funding for research and extension: industry research council issues plenary
2891 1989 Mr N.J. Halse Future funding for research and extension: a state department of agriculture viewpoint plenary
2892 1989 N.R. Venn Medic pasture composition changes over three years of chemical and physical manipulation At Merredin, Western Australia contributed
2893 1989 K.A. Archer Effects of moisture during flowering on seed yield of subterranean clover contributed
2894 1989 M. Bowman Competition between Mt Barker and Karridale sub clover. sown in binary mixtures contributed
2895 1989 B. S. Dear Establishment of subterranean clover under direct drilled cereal crops contributed
2896 1989 C.T. de Koning, E.D. Carter Losses of subterranean clover seed from dry pasture residues during grazing by sheep in summer-autumn contributed
2897 1989 P.M. Evans The sub clover status of permanent pastures in the lower rainfall areas of Tasmania contributed
2898 1989 P.M. Evans, J.A. Carpenter, E.J. Hall The fate of new sub clover cultivars in old Mt. Barker pastures in Tasmania contributed
2899 1989 P.M. Evans, B.A. Rowe, J.A. Carpenter Spring sown sub clover: will it regenerate? contributed
2900 1989 P.M. Evans, R.S. Smith, J.A. Carpenter Tolerance of sub clover cultivars and T. Balansae Cv Paradana to a range of herbicides in Tasmania contributed
2901 1989 D. Little Hard seed reserves of subterranean clover at various soil phosphate levels contributed
2902 1989 D. Little Comparative production data from commercial and non-commercial subterranean clover lines contributed
2903 1989 M.E. Lattimore, H.G. Beecher, K.L. O'Callaghan Pasture legume establishment after rice contributed
2904 1989 P. M. Schroder The relationship between sowing rate, seedling density. And seed yield of Trikkala sub clover on farm paddocks in South West Victoria contributed
2905 1989 C.R. Stockdale, K.B. Kelly Effects of defoliation on subterranean clover seed production contributed
2906 1989 JM Taylor Effects of undersowing methods on pasture establishment' and oat yields contributed
2907 1989 K.A. Archer A comparison of the root structure of trifolium Repens Cvv. Huia and Haifa contributed
2908 1989 S.J. Blaikie, D.J. Connor, W.K. Mason, T.F. Neales Root-shoot interactions in irrigated white clover contributed
2909 1989 M.E. Lattimore Perennial pasture legumes in the Murrumbidgee Valley contributed
2910 1989 P.I. Jansen, R.L. Ison Effects of temperature on the germination of Trifolium Resupinatum and T. Balansae contributed
2911 1989 M.E. Lattimore, K.L. O'Callaghan Persian clover in the Murrumbidgee Valley contributed
2912 1989 Z.N. Nieab, K.F.M. Reedb, P.E. Quigleyb Competitiveness of annual forage clovers with capeweed contributed
2913 1989 R. Snowball Preliminary evaluation of persian clover contributed
2914 1989 S. D. Burge, B. S. Dear The role of balansa clover (trifolium balansae) in cool elevated pastures contributed
2915 1989 M.H. Ababneh, E.D. Carter, P.G. Tow Comparative production of annual medics in Jordan and South Australia contributed
2916 1989 M.H. Ababneh, J.H. Silsbury, E.D. Carter Growth responses of annual medics to temperature contributed
2917 1989 M.J. Blumenthal, R.L. Ison Longevity of high-temperature embryo dormancy in Medicago murex and trifolium Subterraneum contributed
2918 1989 J.R.Crosby Medic Seed Dynamics through Crop/Pasture Rotations contributed
2919 1989 J.A. Fortunea, W.R. Sterna, C.W. Thornb Seed yield from Medicago murex grown alone and with Subclover contributed
2920 1989 J.G. Howieson, M.A. Ewing, C.K. Revell Saprophytic competence in four acid soils of strains of rhizobium meliloti contributed
2921 1989 C.K. Revelll, M.A. Ewing Santiago - an improved variety of burr medic contributed
2922 1989 G.B. Taylor Importance of sampling time in assessing Germinability of burr medic contributed
2923 1989 I.A.M. Yunusa, R. H. Sedgley Water-use by serena medic (medicago polymorpha) on contrasting soil types in the eastern wheatbelt of Western Australia contributed
2924 1989 R.A. Ballard Responses of cultivars of yellow serpadella (ornithopus compressus) to inoculation with strains of rhizobium lupini contributed
2925 1989 E.D. Carter, S. Challis, R.C. Knowles, J. Bahrani* Pasture legume seed survival following ingestion by sheep contributed
2926 1989 E.D. Carter a, Kylie M. Le Leu, and G.B. Baldwin b Predicting the emergence of annual pasture legumes: commercialisation of a soil-coring technique contributed
2927 1989 P.D. Cregan, H. McInerney, K.R. Helyar Annual pasture legume growth on acid soils I the performance of yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus cv. Toro) contributed
2928 1989 P.D. Cregan, H. McInerney, K.R. Helyar Annual pasture legume growth on acid soils II the root growth of seedling subterranean clover (Trifolium Subterraneum cv junee) and barrel medic (Medicago truncatula cv. Paraggio) on an acid soil following deep tillage and deep lime placement contributed
2929 1989 P.D. Cregan, H. McInerney, K.R. Helyar, M. Conyers Annual pasture legume growth on acid soils iii effect of soil acidity on the growth of seedling subterranean clover (trifolium subterraneum cv. junee) and barrel medic (medicago truncatula cv. paraggio) contributed
2930 1989 M.H. Campbell, W.D. Bellotti, C.R. Watson Loss of surface-sown perennial grasses in their establishment year in north-western New South Wales contributed
2931 1989 P.J. Cunninghama, D.R. Eaglingb Performance of perennial ryegrass in marginal environments in South-Western Victoria contributed
2932 1989 B.P. Garrote, J.M. Scott, P.W.G. Sale, G.J. Blair Effect of seed structure on the water relations of germinating pasture grass seeds contributed
2933 1989 R.D. Hill Phalaris establishment - sowing alternate rows to overcome perennial ryegrass competition contributed
2934 1989 W.H. Johnston Root distribution of consol lovegrass contributed
2935 1989 W.H. Johnston Possible alleopathy in consol lovegrass contributed
2936 1989 M.L. Mitchell, A.M. Ridley Alternative perennial grasses for acid, low phosphorus fertility soils in North-Eastern Victoria contributed
2937 1989 K. J. Morthorpe Seed production of curly Mitchell grass (astrebla lappacea) contributed
2938 1989 K. J. Morthorpea, G. L. Stewartb Effects of Paclobutrazol treatment on the growth and seed yield’ of phalaris contributed
2939 1989 A.M. Ridley, A.L. Avery, S.M. Windsor Establishment and tillering of phalaris and cocksfoot on an acid soil contributed
2940 1989 J G Mulholland, B S Dear, G B Scott, A G Kaiser Effect of broad-leaf herbicides on production of annual legumes contributed
2941 1989 J.M. Scotta, M.R. Duncanb, J.F. Brownc Pasture seedlings respond to fungicides on Northern Tablelands of N.S.W. contributed
2942 1989 C.R. Watson, W.D. Bellotti Emergence and survival of sown perennial grasses in a semi-arid environment contributed
2943 1989 M.H. Campbell Establishment of surface-sown perennial pastures to replace annual grass weeds contributed
2944 1989 P.M. Dowling, P.T.W. Wong Pre-season management of pasture and its influence on annual grass regeneration contributed
2945 1989 D.R. Kemp, P.M. Dowling The status of pasture legumes in central NSW contributed
2946 1989 S. Khan, E.D. Carter, S. Pattison* Effects of methods of sowing on establishment of forage and pasture species contributed
2947 1989 J. Bucat, J.A. Fortune The structure of managed tagasaste (Chaemecytisus palmensis) contributed
2948 1989 J.A. Fortune Potential intake of tagasaste (chaemecytisus palmensis) as influenced by shrub structure contributed
2949 1989 W. Anderson, W. Smith, M. Seymour, J. Barclay Two tall wheats equal or outyield two semi-dwarfs with late sowing contributed
2950 1989 R.K. Belford, K.H.M. Siddique, E.R. Harvey Light interception and growth by wheat and barley in Western Australia contributed
2951 1989 R.K. Belford, D. Tennant, E.R. Harvey, M. Dracup, N. Venn, Q. Richards, and A. Hamblin Variability in wheat growth on a duplex soil in Western Australia contributed
2952 1989 D.G. Bowran Tolerance of two wheat cultivars to 2,4-d in relation to their ear development stage contributed
2953 1989 E.T. Braunack-Mayer, D. Smith The date of anthesis is not important for South Australian wheat crops contributed
2954 1989 S.J. Carr, G.S.P. Ritchie, W.M. Porter Wheat yields on acidic Wodgil soils contributed
2955 1989 Ir. Handoko, G.M. Rimmington, D.J. Connor Water stress and wheat crop growth contributed
2956 1989 B. Komorek, A.P. Hamblin The relative importance of seminal and nodal roots in supplying water and nitrogen to wheat contributed
2957 1989 S.P. Loss, M.W. Perry Flowering times of wheat in Western Australia : a model approach contributed
2958 1989 M.W. Perry, R.N. Burch Increasing inter-row spacing decreases wheat yield contributed
2959 1989 P. Prasertsak, N.C. Turner, T.L. Setter Planting density effects on the growth, yield and water relations of wheat contributed
2960 1989 J.E. Pratley Silvergrass residue effects on wheat contributed
2961 1989 Supanee Jongdee, T.L. Setter Reduced germination and survival of wheat seed exposed to high (35-40°c) temperatures contributed
2962 1989 D. Tennant, R.K. Belford, K.H.M. Siddique Soil evaporation, transpiration and transpiration efficiency estimates for old and modern varieties of wheat contributed
2963 1989 I.F. Wardlaw The response of wheat to high temperature during grain growth contributed
2964 1989 D.R. Woodruff Frost risk and site variation therein contributed
2965 1989 T. Swaminathan, D.J. Connor, G.M. Rimmington A comparison of six methods for estimating crop evapotranspiration contributed
2966 1989 G.A. Whelan, D.L. McNeil Use of a sensitivity analysis to critically evaluate a model of cereal growth contributed
2967 1989 B.R. Trenbath, W.R. Stern Simulating the Western Australian wheat-sheep system contributed
2968 1989 De Li Liu, J.V. Lovett Phytotoxic activity of barley contributed
2969 1989 M. Grimm Cereal aphids in high-yield cereal crops contributed
2970 1989 L.C. MacLeod, R.C.M. Lance Studies on the molecular forms of alpha-amylase and their implications for improving malting quality in barley contributed
2971 1989 W. Pondagee, W.J.R. Boyd Response of barley to hydrogen ion toxicity contributed
2972 1989 B.C. Stewart, N.J. Mendham The effect of grazing on grain yield of winter barley in Tasmania contributed
2973 1989 K.L. Bishop Oats as a multi-purpose crop in high rainfall environments contributed
2974 1989 K.L. Bishop Rye as an alternative cereal under high rainfall conditions contributed
2975 1989 W.R. Smith Grazing and recovery of cereals in South-Western Australia contributed
2976 1989 J.B. Golding Restricted tillering in triticale cv. currency - an impediment to grain yield? contributed
2977 1989 Sartaj Khan, E. D. Carter, Sandra Pattison* Production of oats, vetch and medic sown alone and in various combinations contributed
2978 1989 D. K. Suanda, R. H. Sedgley, N. Thurling Effect of time to flowering on yield of rapeseed for drier areas of the South Western Australian cereal belt contributed
2979 1989 R.J. French Lupin yield response to plant density in the Western Australian wheatbelt contributed
2980 1989 R.C. Muchow Effect of solar radiation and temperature on potential maize yield contributed
2981 1989 M. Walsh Rooting depth of a range of crop species on sandhill soils in the Victorian Mallee contributed
2982 1989 B.J. Buirchell, W.A. Cowling Development of rough-seeded lupins for agriculture contributed
2983 1989 R.Delane, R. French, K. McCarthy Effect of seed size on lupin establishment and yield contributed
2984 1989 R. Delane, A. Pigeaire, M. Seymour, C. Atkins Contribution of flower and pod abscission to reproductive abortion in lupinus angustifolius contributed
2985 1989 A. Pigeaire, R. Delane, M. Seymour, C. Atkins The sequence of flower and pod abscission on the main stem inflorescence of lupinus angustifolius contributed
2986 1989 R. Snowball, M.F. D'Antuono Time of swathing lupins infested with radish contributed
2987 1989 E.L. Armstrong, B. Butler, S.G. Fisher Agronomic management of field peas on acid soils. contributed
2988 1989 E.L. Armstrong, S.G. Fisher Seeding date and rate of conventional and semi-leafless field peas contributed
2989 1989 W.A. Hawthorne Factors associated with reduced pea yields in south-eastern South Australia contributed
2990 1989 A. G. Flynn Trifluralin without incorporation contributed
2991 1989 W.J.R. Boyd, S. Potipibool, L. Kaveeta Evaluating the concept of thermal time contributed
2992 1989 I.T. Mock, N.W. Wright, A mechanical soil sampling system to encourage increased use of bioassay tests for soil borne cereal diseases contributed
2993 1989 G.M. Proudfoot Removal of nutrients in harvested grain contributed
2994 1989 M.J. Bell, G.R. Harch, P.N. Vance Grass pasture leys benefit peanut production in Southern Queensland contributed
2995 1989 M.J. Bell, G.R. Harch Effect of shading on growth of two peanut cultivars contributed
2996 1989 C.J. Birch Ceres sorghum (sat): a model of sorghum growth and development in the semi-arid tropics contributed
2997 1989 J.A. Thompson*, D.P. Heenan** Time of sowing of irrigated grain sorghum in the Murrumbidgee Valley contributed
2998 1989 V.O. Sadras, D.J. Connor Sink-sink and source-sink interactions between stems and reproductive structures of sunflowers with ontogeny and water stress contributed
2999 1989 B.T. Steer, S.P. Milroy, R. Glass A model to predict growth and yield of sunflower contributed
3000 1989 J.A. Thompson*, D.P. Heenan**, R.J. Mailer** The influence of sowing date on oil quality of irrigated sunflowers contributed
3001 1989 G.D. Keefer, J. Ladewig, P. Diarini Cotton yield predictions for Lombok and Flores - Indonesia contributed
3002 1989 G.D. Keefer, J. Ladewig, P. Diarini Evaluation of sowing opportunities for Lombok and Flores - Indonesia contributed
3003 1989 G.D. Keefer, J. Ladewig, P. Diarini Excess growing season rain for Lombok and Flores - Indonesia contributed
3004 1989 I. Crosthwaite, P. Vance Soybean irrigation scheduling trials in the South Burnett contributed
3005 1989 A.L. Garside, D.E. Crowther Limitations to the yield of soybeans in a Tropical Environment contributed
3006 1989 Virasak Tepjun, B.T. Steer Seed treatments improve germination and growth of soybean cv. chaffey sown into cool soils contributed
3007 1989 B.J. Baldwin, The effect of paclobutrazol on the growth of fiord faba beans contributed
3008 1989 J.H. Silsbury Yield responses of faba bean to inoculation contributed
3009 1989 B.A. McKenzie, M.E. Miller, G.D. Hill Effect of varying crop population on lentil and weed growth contributed
3010 1989 J.F. Holland, W.A. Jones Effect of bees on seed yield and components in pigeon pea contributed
3011 1989 D.L. McNeil The effect of sowing rate and sowing date on yield and yield components of plantago ovata (forsk.) in Northern Australia contributed
3012 1989 Pornparn Suddhiyam, B.T. Steer, and D.W. Turner Floral initiation of sesame as affected by photoperiod and temperature contributed
3013 1989 J.F. Angus, A.F. van Herwaarden Comparative productivity of oilseeds and cereals contributed
3014 1989 R.N. Oram, J.T.O. Kirk Development of indian mustard as an oilseed crop contributed
3015 1989 P.S. Cornish, S.C. Morris Preharvest factors affect the quality of broccoli after storage contributed
3016 1989 W. Mekwatanakarn, D.W. Turner The simulation of flowering (bunch emergence) in plant crops of banana (Musa sp) contributed
3017 1989 S. Salakpetch, D.W. Turner, B. Dell The flowering of carambola (averrhoa carambola l) is more strongly influenced by water stress than by photoperiod and diurnal temperature variation contributed
3018 1989 E. M. Carter, D. C. Joyce Sugar pulsing of cut geraldton wax and kangaroo paws contributed
3019 1989 P. Dubois, D.C. Joyce Retaining suppleness of dried flowers and foiliage with humectants contributed
3020 1989 K.A. Seaton, D.C. Joyce Cold storage of geraldton wax, kangaroo paw and banksia contributed
3021 1989 J.S. Ascher, J.M. Scott, R.S. Jessop Effect of soil texture on injury to crop species by seed coating with monocalcium phosphate contributed
3022 1989 J.W.D. Cayley Variation in phosphorus content between subspecies of subterranean clover contributed
3023 1989 J.W.D. Cayley, P.J. Vickery, D.A. Hedges Remote sensing and tme phosphorus status of pasture contributed
3024 1989 G.J. Dean, G.K. McDonald Agronomic requirements of a new semi-dwarf rye variety 1. phosphorus and sowing rate contributed
3025 1989 G.J. Dean, G.K. McDonald, Agronomic requirements of a new semi-dwarf rye variety 2. nitrogen and phosphorus contributed
3026 1989 J.R. Hirth, V.F. Burnett Subterranean clover decline and phosphorus nutrition contributed
3027 1989 R.J. Jarvis, M.D.A. Bolland Residual value of phosphate for lupins increased by deep placement contributed
3028 1989 B.H. Paynter Comparative phosphate requirements of burr medic, yellow serradella and subterranean clover contributed
3029 1989 B.F. Quin An assessment of the p0tential for direct application reactive phosphate rock in Australasian agriculture contributed
3030 1989 S.S.S. Rajan, M.L. Nguyen, M.B. O'Connor, W.A. Risk, C.B. Dyson Partially acidulated phosphate rocks as fertilisers for pastures contributed
3031 1989 R.D. Wheeler, R.J. Abbott, D.J. Reuter Phosphorus requirements of wheats and barleys grown in South Australia contributed
3032 1989 B.P. Garrote, J.M. Scott, P.W.G. Sale, G.J. Blair Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus seed coating on the emergence of tall fescue contributed
3033 1989 B.P. Garrote, J.M. Scott, P.W.G. Sale, G.J. Blair Early growth response of tall fescue to nitrogen and phosphorus seed coatings contributed
3034 1989 J.A. Adjetey, L.C. Campbell, P.G.E. Searle Residual nitrogen and wheat production contributed
3035 1989 V.C. Amenta, P.D. Handson Rapid sap test for monitoring the nitrogen status of crops contributed
3036 1989 P.D. Handson, V.C. Amenta Determining the nitrogen requirement of crops: 1 wheat contributed
3037 1989 P.D. Handson, V.C. Amenta Determining the nitrogen requirement of crops: 2 oilseed rape contributed
3038 1989 P.D. Handson, V.C. Amenta Determining the nitrogen requirements of crops : 3 sunflowers contributed
3039 1989 J.F. Angus, A.F. van Herwaarden, R.A. Fischer Predicting the yield response of wheat to topdressed nitrogen contributed
3040 1989 A.F. van Herwaarden, J.F. Angus, R.A. Fischer, G.C.J. Irving Tests to predict yield response of wheat to topdressed nitrogen contributed
3041 1989 C.J. Birch, A.P. Davidson The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and plant population on growth and yield of minicorn contributed
3042 1989 J.W. Bowden, A.J. Diggle Leaching and the plant availability of organic nitrogen contributed
3043 1989 E.T. Braunack-Mayer, D. Smith Applying nitrogen to late sown wheat is a waste of money in South Australia contributed
3044 1989 A.D. Doyle, R.A. Shapland Effect of split nitrogen application on yield and protein content of wheat in northern New South Wales contributed
3045 1989 I.S. Duncan Impact of payment for quality on nitrogen recommendations for wheat contributed
3046 1989 I.C.R. Holford Long term uptake of fertilizer nitrogen residues by wheat contributed
3047 1989 Y. Intarasatit, I.R. Finery, T.L. Setter Fate of 15n urea applied to a wheat crop as affected by stubble management contributed
3048 1989 T.A. Klein, G.K. McDonald A high incidence of crown rot (fusarium spp.) in wheat grown under high levels of nitrogen contributed
3049 1989 R.J. Martin, D.J. Saville, M.J. Daly The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and disease control on yield and protein content of wheat in Canterbury, New Zealand contributed
3050 1989 B.A. McKenzie, B.G. Love, M.H. Andrews, M.E. Miller Effect of nitrogen, gibberellic acid and population on yield and seed quality of navy beans contributed
3051 1989 R.M. Norton Applied nitrogen and water use efficiency of rapeseed contributed
3052 1989 G. J. O'Leary Nitrogen fertilisation: an option in stubble retained fallow systems of the Victorian Wimmera contributed
3053 1989 C.M. Zaicou, L.C. Campbell, J. Angus. Nitrogen application and waterlogging in wheat contributed
3054 1989 L.C. Campbell Zinc affects yield, protein and quality of wheat contributed
3055 1989 D.B. Moody, A.J. Rathjen, B. Cartwright Boron tolerance of australian wheat varieties contributed
3056 1989 B. Rerkasem, R. N. Bell, J. F. Loneragan Low boron in seed depresses soybean seed yield contributed
3057 1989 B. Rerkasem, D.A. Saunders, B. Dell Grain set failure and boron deficiency in wheat in Thailand contributed
3058 1989 M. J. Webb, R. D. Graham Supra-optimal manganese suppresses the effect of gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici on grain yield of wheat contributed
3059 1989 W.J. Slattery, G.R. Ronnfeldt Seasonal variation of aluminium, manganese and ph in acid soils contributed
3060 1989 M.G. Whitten, G.S.P. Ritchie Assessment of soil tests for aluminium toxicity in sub. clover contributed
3061 1989 W.J. Slattery, A.M. Ridley, S.F. Windsor Ash alkalinity of farm produce contributed
3062 1989 Z. Hochman, J. H. Hindmarsh, G. Rose Effects of liming on legume content of a dairy pasture on the north coast of new south wales contributed
3063 1989 B.A. Rowe, D.E. Johnson Liming reduces the soil strength of a Krasnozem contributed
3064 1989 R.K. Belford, E.R. Harvey, D. Tennant, and R. Jarvis Yield of wheat after direct drilling with a modified combine contributed
3065 1989 H. Daniel, L.A.G. Aylmore Soil strength development in loamy sand soils: effects of compactive forces and multiple wetting and drying cycles contributed
3066 1989 J.A. Doughton, P.G. Saffigna, I. Vallis The influence of stubble management and nitrogen fertiliser on nitrogen fixation in chickpea contributed
3067 1989 M.A. Ewing, C.K. Revell The effect of wheat stubble on the emergence of burr medic contributed
3068 1989 G. W. Ford Management Options for intensive cropping of red duplex soils contributed
3069 1989 P.G. Fulwood, E.D. Carter Effects of tillage on burial of pasture legume seed and seedling emergence contributed
3070 1989 D.P. Heenan, A.C. Taylor Tillage and stubble management effects on lupin yields in a long term wheat/lupin rotation on a red earth soil at Wagga Wagga contributed
3071 1989 D.P. Heenan, A.C. Taylor Long term effects of rotation, tillage and stubble management on wheat yields on a red earth soil in Southern N.S.W. contributed
3072 1989 M. Incerti Fallowing for moisture conservation in the Victorian Mallee contributed
3073 1989 P.L. Matthew, J.W. Sands, Edi R. Wijaya, Mursahid The effect of deep ripping and gypsum application on sodic duplex soils for pasture production contributed
3074 1989 B. J. Nutt Deep ripping responses in annual pasture legumes contributed
3075 1989 G. J. O'Leary, D. J. Connor, R. L. Amor The effect of stubble retention and cultivation on wheat yield in the Victorian Wimmera and Mallee contributed
3076 1989 K.E. Pritchard, W.K. Mason Reduced cult1vation for irrigated maize on a red-brown earth contributed
3077 1989 P.E. Quigley, E.D Carter The effects of straw mulch on establishment of annual medics contributed
3078 1989 C. Revell Shallow autumn cultivation improves burr medic pastures contributed
3079 1989 P. M. Schroder Adoption of direct drilling for sowing pastures in South–West Victoria contributed
3080 1989 J.M. Scotta, T.R. Staceb, S.T. Murrayb A versatile seeder for sowing conventionally tilled or direct drilled experimental plots contributed
3081 1989 M. Sweetingham, M. Dracup, R. Belford, A. Pelham, E.R. Harvey Tillage and sowing depth affect pleiochaeta root rot and lupin establishment contributed
3082 1989 P.N. Vance Deep ploughing improves nutrient distribution and crop performance contributed
3083 1989 J.D. Warren The effect of crop tillage on pasture regeneration and production on a hard setting red brown earth contributed
3084 1989 D.R. Coventry, J.J.L. Maden The extent of acid soils in the cropping region of north-eastern Victoria contributed
3085 1989 A.J. Diggle A stochastic method for simulation of leaching in soil contributed
3086 1989 S. Theiveyanathan, G.M. Rimmington, D.J. Connor1, P.B. Burrow An inexpensive high resolution weighing lysimeter contributed
3087 1989 G.C. Wright, P.M. Hatfield A large and low cost rain-out shelter design contributed
3088 1989 J.S. Dunbabin, D.G. Murray Growth responses of annual legumes on saline soils contributed
3089 1989 K.B. Kelly, W.K. Mason, R.J. Simpson Effects of grazing management on productivity of pure legume pastures grown under irrigation in Northern Victoria contributed
3090 1989 K.B. Kelly, W.K. Mason, R.J. Simpson Effects of irrigation frequency on the productivity of white clover, red clover and lucerne in northern Victoria contributed
3091 1989 P.N. Vance Cotton irrigation scheduling in the South Burnett contributed
3092 1989 W.K. Mason, K.E. Pritchard, D.R. Small The effect of surface soil stability on water intake and the yield of irrigated maize contributed
3093 1989 H.G. Beecher* Soybean response to moderately saline water contributed
3094 1989 H.G. Beecher, G.D. Batten, P. Slavich Mineral content in seed of soybeans grown under saline conditions contributed
3095 1989 E.G. Barrett-Lennard, F. Frost, S. Hearn, N.L.B. Richards, C.V. Malcolm Comparison of three techniques for revegetating salt affected land with halophytes contributed
3096 1989 B.H. Ward The role of seed placement and gypsum in improving the establishment of spiny bluebush on scalded duplex soils in north-western Australia contributed
3097 1989 W. K. Gardner, J. Carter, B. Noonan Subsurface drainage reduces accessions to watertables contributed
3098 1989 W.H. Johnston Moisture relations, groundwater recharge and dryland salinity contributed
3099 1989 Anchalee Chuvativat, T. L. Setter Adverse effects of waterlogging on germination and survival of wheat, barley and rice seed contributed
3100 1989 A.L. Cowie, R.S. Jessop, D.A. MacLeod Effect of waterlogging on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of chickpea leaves contributed
3101 1989 G.C. Wrighta, K.T. Hubickb, G.D. Farquharb Variation in water-use efficiency and its correlation with carbon isotope discrimination in peanut cultivars grown in the field contributed
3102 1989 K.T. Mubick, G.D. Farquhar Using carbon isotope discrimination to predict water-use efficiency contributed
3103 1989 J.N.L. Lee, C.J. Bell Waterlogging affects tme water relations of wheat leaves contributed
3104 1989 Frederick J. Rumahlatu, D.W. Turner, B.T. Steer Effect of waterlogging on the growth and yield of sweet-potato (Ipomoea batatas l.) contributed
3105 1989 T.L. Setter, T. Bywaters Changes in concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ethylene in soil solutions during waterlogging of some West Australian soils contributed
3106 1989 S. Phuphak, T.L. Setter Adverse effects of waterlogging on growth of lupin and field pea cultivars contributed
3107 1989 V. Chootummatat, D.W. Turner, J.E.L. Cripps Water use of plum trees (prunus salicina) trained to four canopy arrangements contributed
3108 1989 P.S. Cornish Salinity - a possible tool for improving tomato quality? contributed
3109 1989 J.E. Paterson, D.W. Turner A possible physiological mechanism underlying the response of sugar accumulation in rockmelons ripened under reduced irrigation contributed
3110 1989 Peter Gillard, Andrew Bishop, Robert Reid Introduction and evaluation of pasture legumes in high rainfall north-western Tasmania contributed
3111 1989 R. Gittins, P.M. Evans Ranking sub clover lines with respect to several characteristics considered simultaneously contributed
3112 1989 G.J. Mitchell, M.L. Stanley, M.J. Cooper Breeding yanninicum subclovers w1th improved clover scorch resistance contributed
3113 1989 C. L. Noble, M. E. Rogers Evaluating selection criteria to improve salt tolerance in white clover (trifolium repens l.) contributed
3114 1989 M.L. Stanley, G.J. Mitchell, M.J. Cooper Rosedale - a new brachycalycinum subclover contributed
3115 1989 P.M. Dowling, D.R. Garden, P. Simpson, P.W. Orchard, S. Burge Native grasses on the southern and central tablelands of N.S.W. - potential for utilization contributed
3116 1989 K.A. Archer Persistence of temperate perennial grasses, northwest slopes, NSW contributed
3117 1989 W.M. Kelman, R.N. Oram Responses of perennial lotus and astragalus accessions to acid soils contributed
3118 1989 R.B. Wynn-Williams, R.G. Purves Stem nematode effects on lucerne cultivars contributed
3119 1989 M. Cooper, D.R. Woodruff, D.E. Byth Identification and characterisation of water limiting environments within Queensland wheat breeding trials contributed
3120 1989 M. Cooper, D.R. Woodruff, D.E. Byth An investigation of the adaptation of seleci ed cimmyt wheat germplasm to water limiting environments in Queensland contributed
3121 1989 M. Cooper, D.R. Woodruff, D.E. Byth Limitations of the use of drought susceptibility indices based on relativeyield for selection of drought adapted genotypes contributed
3122 1989 M. Cooper, D.R. Woodruff, D.E. Byth A classification based approach for characterising genotype drought adaptation for selection for stress adaptation contributed
3123 1989 J.V. Johnstone, P.D. Jamieson, D.R. Wilson Vernalisation requirements of contrasting wheat genotypes contributed
3124 1989 E.J.M. Kirby Grain mass variation in wheat contributed
3125 1989 M.W. Perry Contribution of genetic change to yield improvement in Australian spring wheats contributed
3126 1989 K.H.M. Siddique, M.W. Perry Morphological and physiological characters associated with higher grain yields of modern wheats contributed
3127 1989 K.H.M. Siddique, D. Tennant, R.K. Belford Root:shoot ratios in old and modern australian wheats contributed
3128 1989 W.R. Smith, W.K. Anderson Increasing wheat yields on the south coast of Western Australia contributed
3129 1989 K.L. Snelling, N.C. Turner, B.R. Whan Selection techniques for improved yields and drought resistance of wheat contributed
3130 1989 S. Srisombun, L.C. Campbell Agronomic characteristics of five spring wheats contributed
3131 1989 N.E. Longnecker, A.D. Robson Genotypic variation in the response of barley cultivars to different levels of phosphorus fertility contributed
3132 1989 G.K. McDonald An evaluation of lines of uniculm barley contributed
3133 1989 N.J. Mendham, M.S.S. Rao A rapeseed ideotype for high yields contributed
3134 1989 Diwan Singh, V. Umamaheswara Rao, O. P. Bishnoi Thermal requirements of three brassica species under various seeding dates contributed
3135 1989 R.M. Davidson, W.D. Bellotti Yield by environment interactions for warm-season perennial grasses contributed
3136 1989 G.C. Wright Variation in soil water extraction and harvest index among peanut cultivars in response to drought contributed
3137 1989 N. Reddy Genotype-environment interactions and yield stability in rice grown under dryland conditions contributed
3138 1989 R.F. Reinke, L.G. Lewin, D.J. Connor Yield potential of short duration rice varieties in south western New South Wales contributed
3139 1989 L.J. Wade, A.C.L. Douglas, G.L. Hammer Differential performance of diverse sorghum hybrids over a wide range of environments contributed
3140 1989 G.L. Hammer, R.L. Vanderlip, and L.J. Wade Genotype by environment interaction for radiation use efficiency in grain sorghum contributed
3141 1989 M. Donatelli, R.L. Vanderlip, and G.L. Hammer Genotype by environment interaction for transpirat1on efficiency in grain sorghum contributed
3142 1989 K.T. Hubick, G.L. Hammer, G.D. Farquhar, L.J. Wade, S. von Caemmerer, S. Henderson Variation in carbon isotope discrimination among diverse sorghum hybrids contributed
3143 1989 W. Thanomsub, N.J. Mendham Early maturing navy beans for Tasmania contributed
3144 1989 R.W. Williams, R.J. Lawn, B.C. Imrie, and D.E. Byth A screening technique for weathering resistance in mungbean contributed
3145 1989 R.W. Williams, R.J. Lawn, B.C. Imrie, D.E. Byth Development of an ideotype for weathering resistance in mungbean contributed
3146 1989 N.P. Saxena, C. Johansen Functional ideotypes for increasing and stabilizing chickpea yield contributed
3147 1989 C.J. Birch, A.B.C. Dobson, U. Myint Htay An initial evaluation of fifty diverse lines of lentils (lens culinaris) for adaptation to South East Queensland contributed
3148 1989 D.L. McNeil Use of weather-based spray decision models for reducing fungicide application costs on peanuts in north-western Australia contributed
3149 1989 G.R. Olney, W.R. Standing, R.N. Glencross Using a model to assess the profitability of applying nitrogen to dairy pastures contributed
3150 1989 G.M. Pasqual, R.W. Madin An expert system for extension of weed control advice contributed
3151 1989 T.F.Smith Evaluation of written extension texts contributed
3152 1989 M. Stapper, R.J.G. White, N. Phillips, G.M. Keegan The development and evaluation of siragcrop software for irrigated crops contributed
3153 1989 P.N. Vance, R.L. Ada Padfert - extension experiences contributed
3154 1989 D.R. Woodruff 'Wheatman' - a computer-based decision aid for wheat growers in Queensland contributed
3155 1989 R.K.M. Hay Market limitations to the adoption of new crops - a case history from north-west Europe contributed
12163 1992 Don Blesing Specific perspectives in future agriculture: agricultural sustainability invited
12164 1992 H.F. Recher The past and future of agriculture: resolving environmental conflict invited
12165 1992 N. Inall Predicting and shaping the future: managing information invited
12166 1992 J. Allwright Agriculture: resources and current practices invited
12167 1992 D.M. Freebairn Managing resources - the soil resource: erosion, stubble management and catchment invited
12168 1992 W.L. Felton, H. Marcellos Cropping systems of the temperate summer rainfall region invited
12169 1992 K.J. Hutchinson The grazing resource invited
12170 1992 G.H. Jackson Socio-politics and land use systems invited
12171 1992 G.J. Blair Initiatives in land use: nutrients, nutrient cycling and soil acidity invited
12172 1992 P.R. Dyson Initiatives in land use - soil salinity invited
12173 1992 A. Campbell Towards sylvan Australian farming systems invited
12174 1992 J.R. Finney, D.A. Evans New technologies invited
12175 1992 D.R. Marshall Developments - new kinds of plants invited
12176 1992 H. Baker Protecting yield chemically invited
12177 1992 M.J. Whitten Protecting and enhancing yield, while reducing our dependence on synthetic pesticides invited
12178 1992 J.R. Anderson Agronomic research strategy and the uncertain challenge of sustainability invited
12179 1992 J.W. Bowden Predicting and shaping the future: models - looking back and planning ahead invited
12180 1992 D. Ellyard The future is not what it was: technological perspectives on the future of agriculture invited
12181 1992 J.L. Davidson Concluding review invited
12182 1992 M. Jasper, M. Drum, T. Young, R. Flood, J. Carter, W.K. Gardner Agriculture in the wimmera; looking back and planning ahead concurrent
12183 1992 A.L. Sippel, R.W. Condon Productivity of oldman saltbush in relation to rainfall and economic considerations concurrent
12184 1992 G.R. Saul, P.E. Quigley, A.P. Patterson, J.W.D. Cayley, P.M. Schroder Achieving the potential of the pasture resource in south-west Victoria concurrent
12185 1992 A. Kent Traditional management for dryland farming: lessons for modern agronomic systems development concurrent
12186 1992 R.J. Lawn, H.V.A. Bushby Nitrogen fixation in mungbeans - expectation and reality concurrent
12187 1992 N.J. Mendham Incorporation of intensive cropping into sustainable systems in the coal valley, Tasmania concurrent
12188 1992 J.A. Taylor, N.D. MacLeod Perceptions of sustainable grazing systems concurrent
12189 1992 A.L. Clarke, P.B. Wylie Practical and economic considerations of sustainable agriculture in summer rainfall areas of Australia concurrent
12190 1992 G.P. Penton, P.J.M. Thompson Applying sustainability through farm planning concurrent
12191 1992 J.W. Derrick, D.C. Dumaresq Sustainability of organic broadacre cropping systems with respect to aspects of nutrient and energy flow concurrent
12192 1992 D.E. Johnson, J.R. Thorp, P. Gillard Pasturepak: an electronic pasture adviser built on previous results and experience concurrent
12193 1992 D.A. Morrison, A.K. Abadi Ghadim An economic perspective on pasture research priorities concurrent
12194 1992 Richard Monypenny Decision support for dynamic management on extensive beef properties concurrent
12195 1992 K.A. Parton, S. Pandey, J.M. Scott A framework for understanding the long-term value of pasture leys in cropping systems concurrent
12196 1992 R.A. Clark, L.C. Lesleighter, D.N. Lawrence Changing grazing systems with experienced local graziers concurrent
12197 1992 R.L. McCown, B.A. Keating, P.S. Carberry Competition between a crop and undersown pasture in a water-limited environment - a simulation study concurrent
12198 1992 R.L. Vanderlip, W.D. Rosenthal, T.J. Gerik, L.J. Wade Identifying strategies to minimise climatic risk for grain sorghum, using the SORKAM model concurrent
12199 1992 G.L. Hammer, D.M. Freebairn, R.L. McCown A framework for research on improved management of agricultural production systems concurrent
12200 1992 G.L. Hammer, R.C. Stone Seasonal climate forecasting in crop management concurrent
12201 1992 S.C. Chapman, G.L. Hammer, H. Meinke Using a model to quantify climatic risk to dryland sunflower production concurrent
12202 1992 P.G. Tow An evaluation of cereal zone rotations for achieving short term aims and long term sustainability concurrent
12203 1992 O. Christen Effects of different preceding crops on the growth, yield components and grain yield of winter wheat and winter barley concurrent
12204 1992 I.C.R. Holford A 20 year comparison of four agricultural systems for their sustainability in the northern wheat belt concurrent
12205 1992 I.C.R. Holford, G.G. Robinson Long-term rotation studies - the influence of clover and crop sequence on maize yields at Glen Innes concurrent
12206 1992 R.B. Brinsmead Chickpea cultivar by planting time studies in Queensland concurrent
12207 1992 A.G. Kaiser, J.M. Colless, E.J. Havilal Maize silage: looking back and planning ahead concurrent
12208 1992 K.E. Pritchard, D.R. Small Soil and water management for irrigated crops on a red-brown earth soil concurrent
12209 1992 N. Drew, M. Schulz Irrigated faba beans - from two to two hundred concurrent
12210 1992 A.L. Garside, A.K. Borrell, S.E. Ockerby, A.J. Dowling,J.E. McPhee, M.V. Braunacle An irrigated rice based cropping system for tropical Australia concurrent
12211 1992 D.M. Whitfield, P.J. Newton, A. Mantell Comparative water use of dryland crop and pasture species concurrent
12212 1992 BS. Dear, N. Coombes Population dynamics of trifolium subterraneum,, medicago murex and trifolium balansae grown in monocultures and mixtures concurrent
12213 1992 S.G. Clark, J. Taylor, K.F. Smith Seed and herbage production and cyanogenic potential of white clover cultivars under irrigation at Neuarpurr, Victoria concurrent
12214 1992 S.J. Blaikie, W.K. Mason A new approach to improving yield of white clover - role of roots concurrent
12215 1992 P.E. Quigley, J. Gittins, T. Morgan Subterranean clover persistence in south-western Victoria concurrent
12216 1992 D.M. Wheatley, D.A. MacLeod, R.S. Jessop Effects of zero tillage practices on soybean yield and soil cover concurrent
12217 1992 C.P. Schmidt, R.K. Belford, R. Delane Direct drilling with a modified combine improves root growth, and wheat yields in compaction-prone, wind-erodible soils concurrent
12218 1992 G.A. Thomas, G. Gibson, R.G.H. Nielsen, W.D. Martin, B.J. Radford, G.B. Wildermuth, J.P. Thompson Nitrogen fertilisation of wheat under different fallow management practices in near south west Queensland concurrent
12219 1992 A.D. Roviral, D.K. Roget, S.M. Neate Cereal root disease constraints to developing conservation tillage in southern Australia concurrent
12220 1992 J.E. Pratley Herbicide carryover in wheat stubbles concurrent
12221 1992 M. Dracup, P. Gregory, R.K. Belford Spatial variation in the growth of lupin roots in the sandy surface of a duplex soil concurrent
12222 1992 Ross Hartley, David Lincoln The role of extension literature and other communication media in information transfer concurrent
12223 1992 Troedson The impact of agricultural information on members of parliament. concurrent
12224 1992 G.T. McIntyre, Q.R. Jones Strategies for crop information management: past and future concurrent
12225 1992 A. Andrews, R. Woog, F. Kelleher, A. Turner Issues affecting extension in the dairy industry concurrent
12226 1992 D.S. Blacket, D.N. Lawrence Rapid rural appraisal re-focuses farming systems extension and research in southern Queensland concurrent
12227 1992 N.E. Delaney, P.G.H. Van Beek An analysis of a field crop agricultural knowledge and information system concurrent
12228 1992 Richard Stephens Farm management - back to basics concurrent
12229 1992 P.T. Hayman A framework for comparing crop and pasture rotations in north-western NSW concurrent
12230 1992 M.J. Cahill, N.J. Douglas Improving wheat profitability through farmer initiated groups concurrent
12231 1992 K.L. King, K.J. Hutchinson Microarthropods and nutrient transfer from pasture litter concurrent
12232 1992 J.F. Holland, D.F. Herridge Response of pigeon pea to iron, nitrogen and two rhizobium strains concurrent
12233 1992 R.F. Reinke, R.L. Williams An alternative hypothesis for the nitrogen by environment interaction in rice concurrent
12234 1992 J.P. Dimes, R.L. McCown Potentially mineralizable n - a new role in predicting soil n supply concurrent
12235 1992 G.J. Crocker Is pasture improvement causing soil acidification in northern NSW? concurrent
12236 1992 R.J. Cawood The effect of landuse, landform and topographic relief on nocturnal land surface temperature concurrent
12237 1992 A.J. Brown, K.I. Peverill, G.R. Munro, S.W. Margetts Mapping soil analysis data in south east Australia concurrent
12238 1992 P.J. Vickery, E.P. Furnival Development and commercial use of landsat derived maps as an aid to more effective use of fertilizer concurrent
12239 1992 G.W. Roth Airborne video imagery - a potential tool for monitoring irrigated cotton concurrent
12240 1992 W.D. Bellotti, A.L. Ewers, E.D. Carter Establishment and regeneration of annual pasture legumes in a ley farming system concurrent
12241 1992 S.J. Cook, N.D. MacLeod, P.A. Walsh Reliable and cost-effective legume establishment in black speargrass grazing lands concurrent
12242 1992 P.C. Kerridge, R.W. McLean, R.M. Jones The impact of soil fertility and legumes on the yield and persistence of buffel grass concurrent
12243 1992 D.L. Garden, P.M. Dowling Development of management guidelines for native grass pastures on the central and southern tablelands of NSW concurrent
12244 1992 E.D. Carter, R.G. Porter, M.H. Ababneh, F. Squella, F.N. Muyekho, R. Valizadeh The production and management of annual pasture legumes in ley farming systems of south Australia concurrent
12245 1992 Chen Wen, Z.H. Liu, M.Y. Yang, G.E. Eagleton, R.L. Lisle, B.K. Mitchelhill The role of lucerne in developing the agricultural systems of eastern Gansu, China concurrent
12246 1992 J.V. Lovett, A.H.C. Hoult Gramine: the occurrence of a self defence chemical in barley, Hordeum Vulgare L. concurrent
12247 1992 G.R. Leather, J.V. Lovett Euphorbia esula: a challenge for non-herbicidal weed control in north America concurrent
12248 1992 N.M. McFarlane, B. Jowett, A. Schroder, P.E. Quigley Potential harmful effects of high endophyte content in perennial ryegrass on companion legumes concurrent
12249 1992 C.E. Jones Crop rotation for the control of wild oats in wheat concurrent
12250 1992 R. Moxham Organic rice cultivation - for sustaining irrigation farming in the Riverina concurrent
12251 1992 M.A.P. Duarsa, M.J. Hill, J.V. Lovett The distribution of tannins in lotus spp.: variations within plant and stage of maturity concurrent
12252 1992 B.S. Dear, D.J. Conlan, M. Richards, N. Coombes Development of a new mid-season cultivar of subterranean clover conforming to a predefined ideotype concurrent
12253 1992 G.M. Lodge The domestication of native grasses for pastoral use concurrent
12254 1992 W.M. Kelman, M.J. Blumenthal Lotus in south-eastern Australia: aspects of forage quality and persistence concurrent
12255 1992 A.M. Bowman Domestication and use of curly Mitchell grass as a sown pasture concurrent
12256 1992 J.T.O. Kirk, R.N. Oram Breeding Indian mustard for Australian conditions concurrent
12257 1992 A.G. Green The evaluation of linola as a new oilseed crop for Australia concurrent
12258 1992 W.K. Gardner, R.E. Chaffey Extending Principles of Sustainable Agriculture poster
12259 1992 M. Incerti, G.J. O'Leary, M.G. O'Connell The use of long-term rotation studies to determine the effect of fallowing on potential groundwater recharge poster
12260 1992 D.R. Wilkinson, K.L. King VAMS of temperate pastures in the high rainfall zone poster
12261 1992 J.L. Gunton Conservation cropping on the Atherton tableland krasnozems poster
12262 1992 J.K. Klein, B.R. Weeden, J.M. von Nordheim, L.M. Pregno Reduced tillage in tobacco poster
12263 1992 G.J. O'Leary, M.J. Bissett The effect of long-term reduced tillage on the infiltration of water into soil in the Victorian Wimmera and Mallee poster
12264 1992 H. Ward, G. Whipp, N. Badawy Halophyte agronomy on dryland saline areas in south-west Victorian high rainfall districts poster
12265 1992 H.A. Reimers, C. Penfold, B.S. Nietschke Comparison of the effects of synthetic, mineral and organic fertilisers on barley production poster
12266 1992 P. Ninnes, I.N. Grierson, C. Penfold A comparison of farming systems poster
12267 1992 G.W. Ford Is continuous cropping sustainable on red duplex soils? poster
3256 1993 J. R. McWilliam Research and the restructuring of Australian agriculture: transforming comparative advantage into a competitive advantage invited
3257 1993 Dr. P. Oram Global perspective on population, resources and agricultural production invited
3258 1993 A.D. Rovira Agricultural science and technology - meeting the challenge invited
3259 1993 G. C. Love, B. S. Fisher Future markets for Australian agricultural produce invited
3260 1993 K. K. G. Lisners Utilisation of joint action groups to achieve export impact invited
3261 1993 Peter J. England Production of quality wool - a case study invited
3262 1993 Laurie Thatcher Elite lambs for meat production invited
3263 1993 T. Day Grain legumes: farming from paddock to plate invited
3264 1993 Neville Sharpe Durum wheat - a specific market invited
3265 1993 G.M. Lodge Selection of localised strains of trifolium subterraneum var. brachycalycinum adapted to a summer rainfall environment 1 concurrent
3266 1993 C.T. de Koning, G.M. Lodge, P.G.H. Nichols, R.L. Tuckwell, D. Kaehne Developing well adapted trifolium subterraneum ssp. brachycalycinum cultivars 2 concurrent
3267 1993 P.M. Evans, R. Snowball Balansa and persian clover lines outproduce registered cultivars, and subterranean clover and medics, in a 400 mm annual rainfall zone in Western Australia. 3 concurrent
3268 1993 A.J.V. Janes, R. Sutherland, M.A.P. Duarsa, H.P. Nastiti, I.G.L. Media Evaluation on growth and production of 13 provenances of gliricidia septum 4 concurrent
3269 1993 B.H. Ward Maximising forage production from saltbushes grown on salt-affected agricultural land 5 concurrent
3270 1993 W.A. Hawthorne Producing south Australian grain legumes for an overseas plate 1 concurrent
3271 1993 James Walcott Constraints to adoption of a grain legume: chickpea 2 concurrent
3272 1993 Elizabeth Noble Stimulating favourable attitudes to legume growing 3 concurrent
3273 1993 I.T. Mock, A.H. Gibson Potential for improvements in lupin yield on sandy alkaline soils 4 concurrent
3274 1993 T.D. Potter, P.A. Salisbury Triazine resistant canola in southern Australia 5 concurrent
3275 1993 S.J. Yeates, B.C. Imrie Mungbean development in the northern territory 1 concurrent
3276 1993 R.J. Redden, G.C. Wright Use of a simple physiological model to analyse yield variation in phaseolus vulgaris genotypes 2 concurrent
3277 1993 G.C. Wright, R.C. Nageswara Rao, H.B. So Variation in root characteristics, and their association with water uptake and drought tolerance in four peanut cultivars 3 concurrent
3278 1993 B.J. Winter, L.J. Wade, F.P.C. Blamey, A.C.L. Douglas Knowledge of stand variability aids interpretation of hand-thinned experiments 4 concurrent
3279 1993 A.K. Borrell, S. Fukai, A.L. Garside Saturated soil culture: a new concept for irrigated rice production in tropical Australia 5 concurrent
3280 1993 C.J. Birch, S. Fukai, I.J. Broad The effect of nitrogen on the yield and selected aspects of quality of two varieties of malting barley grown under contrasting conditions of water availability 1 concurrent
3281 1993 R.D. Armstrong, N.V. Halpin Potential residual value of nitrogen fertilisers in central Queensland 2 concurrent
3282 1993 H. Marcellos, W.L. Felton Wheat yield targets, and water and nitrogen use efficiency in northern New South Wales 3 concurrent
3283 1993 P.J. Keys, M. Asghar, R.D. Armstrong, P.J. Agius Wheat responses to nitrogen and phosphorus application in the semi-arid environment of central Queensland 4 concurrent
3284 1993 N.S. Wilhelm, R.J. Hannam, T.A. Branford, J.L. Riggs, K. Allen, L. Auhl Critical level for zinc deficiency of field-grown wheat 5 concurrent
3285 1993 D.P. Oliver, K.G. Tiller Management factors that affect cadmium uptake by wheat grain 6 concurrent
3286 1993 M.R. Chaichi, E.D. Carter Spring grazing management of medic pastures to optimise productivity of herbage and seed 1 concurrent
3287 1993 R. Valizadeh, N.G. Yates, E.D. Carter The nutritive value of medic pods following treatment with sodium hydroxide or supplementation with molasses 2 concurrent
3288 1993 J.F.Chin, S.A. Spiker, J.H.L. Morgan, J.W.D. Cayley Turnips, the superior fodder crop in south western Victoria 3 concurrent
3289 1993 D.R. Small, J. McDonald Biodynamic milk producing systems 4 concurrent
3290 1993 P.J. Mc Keague New market alternatives for north Australian beef 5 concurrent
3291 1993 G. Evans, P. Rowland On the merits of setting targets for pesticide use 1 concurrent
3292 1993 J.E. Pratley, J.D. Ingrey, R.J. Graham Spread of herbicide resistance through seed retail outlets 2 concurrent
3293 1993 Peter O'Keeffe, Nigel Wilhelm The hidden costs of sulphonylurea herbicide use on micronutrient-poor soils 3 concurrent
3294 1993 J.V. Lovett, A.H.C. Hoult Biological activity of barley secondary metabolites 4 concurrent
3295 1993 M. An, J.E. Pratley, T. Haig The effect of soil on the phytotoxicity of residues of vulpia myuros 5 concurrent
3296 1993 R. J. Carter, D. Hogarth, M.L. Williams Herbicides and equipment to improve pastures infested with cape tulip (homeria spp.) 6 concurrent
3297 1993 Peter Whetton Scenarios of climate change in the Australian region due to the enhanced greenhouse effect 1 concurrent
3298 1993 R.C. Stone, G.L. Hammer, and D. Woodruff Assessment of risk associated with climate prediction in management of wheat in north-eastern Australia 2 concurrent
3299 1993 D.R. Wilson, M.J. Salinger Climatic risk for sweet corn production in a cool, variable climate 3 concurrent
3300 1993 H. Meinkel, G.L. Hammer, M.A. Hills, and P.M. Hatfield Potential yield of peanuts in north-eastern Australia 4 concurrent
3301 1993 H. Boonjung, S. Fukai, S.A. Henderson Modelling rice growth under water limiting conditions 5 concurrent
3302 1993 G.L. Hammer, R.L. McCown, D.M. Freebairn APSIM: the agricultural production system simulator - its role and structure 1 concurrent
3303 1993 P.S. Carberry, R.L. McCown, N. de Groot Can profitable cropping systems be developed in the semi-arid tropics of Northern Australia? 2 concurrent
3304 1993 J.P. Dimes, D.M. Freebairn Analysis for optimal water use in grain cropping systems of North-Eastern Australia 3 concurrent
3305 1993 P.L. Matthew, J.A. Duggin, B.A. Peasley Agricultural land capability assessment using an expert system 4 concurrent
3306 1993 F.N. Muyekho, E.D. Carter, G.K. McDonald Effects of sowing date and sowing rate on seed yield of barrel medic 1 concurrent
3307 1993 D.L. Garden, P.M. Dowling, D.A. Eddy Current management of pastures on properties on the tablelands of NSW 2 concurrent
3308 1993 F. Squella, E.D. Carter The significance of cluster clover (trifolium glomeratum l.) In a subterranean clover-perennial ryegrass pasture under two constrasting management systems. 3 concurrent
3309 1993 M.H. Campbell, A.M. Bowman, W.D. Bellotti, D.J. Munnich Regeneration and recruitment of curly mitchell grass (astrebla lappacea) in degraded pastures in north western New South Wales 4 concurrent
3310 1993 N.J. Mendham, R.J. Clark, and B.C. Hardwick The use of open rooted seedlings in farm tree plantations 5 concurrent
3311 1993 W.J.R Boyd, L. Kaveeta The nature and agronomic implications of a juvenile stage in barley 1 concurrent
3312 1993 P.D. Jamieson, G.S. Francis, R.J. Martin Responses of barley, wheat and maize to drought in a cool temperate climate 2 concurrent
3313 1993 S.A. Henderson, S. Fukai, J.M. Lilley, D.L. George, M. Cooper, M.H. Wamala, J.M. Watiki, J.N. Villariciencio, E. Chinyamakobvu, R. Uaiene, M.M. Ludlow Influence of water stress on leaf death among rice lines: comparison between glasshouse and field 3 concurrent
3314 1993 R Redden, T. Agtunong, D. George, and S. Fukai Tolerence of temperature stress in phaseolus vulgaris. 4 concurrent
3315 1993 V.O. Sadras, A.J. Hall, D.J. Connor Leaf nitrogen profiles in sunflower canopies during grain filling 5 concurrent
3316 1993 P.M. Dowling, D.R. Kemp, D.L. Michalk, G.D. Millar, M. Goodacre Manipulating pasture composition - a matter of time, dollars and sense 1 concurrent
3317 1993 N. Cutten, D.V. Reeve, A.B. Frensham Seasonal pattern of growth of subterranean clover-grass pasture 2 concurrent
3318 1993 R.A. Latta, E.D. Carter Grass control in medic pastures in semi - arid ley farming systems 3 concurrent
3319 1993 T.W. Mackereth, R.S. Llewellyn, R.J. Inwood, E.D. Carter The impact of herbicides on the production, composition and quality of annual pasture at kapunda, South Australia 4 concurrent
3320 1993 D.L. Little, E.D. Carter, A.L. Ewers Grass control in pastures: implications for livestock 5 concurrent
3321 1993 G.J. Mitchell, S.R. Chinner, D.J. McQuinn Control of onion grass (romulea spp.) prior to resowing permanent pastures 6 concurrent
3322 1993 A.P. Hamblin, G.W. Kyneur. Is Australia's wheat productivity under threat 1 concurrent
3323 1993 H. Marcellos, W.L. Felton, D.F. Herridge Crop productivity in a chickpea-wheat rotation 2 concurrent
3324 1993 D.P. Heenan Long term trends of legume/wheat rotations in southern NSW 3 concurrent
3325 1993 J.A. Kirkegaard, J.F. Angus, P.A. Gardner, H.P. Cresswell Benefits of brassica break crops in the southeast wheatbelt 4 concurrent
3326 1993 K.L. Regan, K.H.M. Siddique, D. Tennant, D.G. Abrecht Early maturity improves grain yield and water use efficiency of wheat in low rainfall regions of Western Australia 5 concurrent
3327 1993 B.I. Baldwin Sustainability - healthy paddocks lead to full plates 1 concurrent
3328 1993 W.L. Felton, H. Marcellos, R.J. Martin No-tillage wheat production in Northern NSW 2 concurrent
3329 1993 N.I. Asghar, D.W. Lack, B.A. Cowie, J.C. Parker Effects of surface soil mixing after long-term disc, blade and zero tillage on sorghum production in central Queensland 3 concurrent
3330 1993 J.F. Khu, K.Y. Chan Soil conservation in the paddock - keeping a full plate into the future effects of farming practices on red soils in central West NSW. 4 concurrent
3331 1993 D.K. Malinda, R.G. Fawcett, T.N. Herrmann Effect of land management systems on rainfall infiltration capacity and the stability of red-brown earths 5 concurrent
3332 1993 G.E. Baker, V.J. Barrett, P.J. Carter, J.W.D Cayley, G.R. Saul The influence of fertiliser on the abundance and diversity of earthworms in pastures in Western Victoria 6 concurrent
3333 1993 David F Smith Digging up the past 1 concurrent
3334 1993 J.R. Crosby, W.D. Bellotti, J.S. Kerby, R. Harrison Farmer attitudes towards pastures in the cereal-livestock zone of South Australia 2 concurrent
3335 1993 P.G. Cox, A.L. Garside, R.L. McCown Participatory design of an on-farm agronomic research program in central Queensland 3 concurrent
3336 1993 H-U. Hege, L. Mock Strategies used for marketing and promoting German agricultural products 4 concurrent
3337 1993 P.G. Cox, A.L. Garside, R.L. McCown Market research for decision support for dryland crop production in central Queensland: a preliminary report 5 concurrent
3338 1993 Ross Hartley, David Lincoln Integrated marketing of extension messages lifts adoption 6 concurrent
3339 1993 L. Howie, A.W.H. Lake Caliph - a new barrel medic cultivar for southern Australia 1 poster
3340 1993 A.M. Cook, I. Lolicato, C.L. Noble, G.M. Halloran, M.E. Nicolas Plant selection of perennial pasture legumes and cocksfoot for a niche environment 2 poster