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Soybean improvement for eastern Australia, component 3: CSIRO Tropical Agriculture

James, A.T. Mr; Ph: (07) 3214 2200; Fax: (07) 3214 2411;

Research organisation: CSIRO Tropical Agriculture, 306 Carmody Road, St Lucia Qld 4067

Sponsors: GRDC, Grains Research and Development Corporation


1. To assist the soybean industry to achieve it's full potential by developing cultivars with, wider adaptation, earlier maturity, improved yield and protein content, weathering tolerance, drought tolerance, phytophthora and other disease resistances, and enhanced nitrogen fixation;

2. To combine these traits with processing characteristics for human consumption markets;

3. To investigate the use of the long juvenile trait in temperate and sub tropical environments.

Progress: breeding programs are continuing

Period: starting date 1996-07; completion date 2001-06

Status: ongoing

Keywords: soybean breeding, drought tolerance

Publications: None as yet


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