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The assessment of drought and pest tolerant pasture species in Tasmania - sheep production

Reid, R.N.D. Mr; Ph: (03) 6233 6849, Fax: (03) 6228 5123;

Research organisation: Research organisation: Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Extensive Agriculture Branch, 13 St.Johns Ave., NewTown, Tas. 7008

Sponsor: MRC, Meat Research Corporation

Objective: Develop pastures that are productive and persistent under the influence of drought and insect pests. Show benefits from using pest- tolerant pasture species in place of recommended, highly pest susceptible varieties. Apply knowledge gained from glasshouse experiments in NZ regarding pest tolerance of potentially useful cultivars. Compare animal production effects of several pasture types under grazing.

Methodology: Establish 6 pasture treatments, replicated 3 times on sandy loam soil - plots 1 ha. Treatments will be - Ryegrass and subterranean clover; phalaris and subterranean clover; phalaris, ryegrass and subterranean clover; cocksfoot and subterranean clover; cocksfoot, ryegrass and subterranean clover; Demeter Fescue and subterranean clover. Pastures monitored for pasture pests and level of production recorded.

Progress: Best production from ryegrass treatments

Period: starting date 1983-03; completion date 2001-06

Status: ongoing

Publications: No details available


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