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Farmers training needs for managing climate risk

Ridge, P.E. Mr; Ph. (07) 4639 4422; Mobile: 0419 661 539;

Wylie, P. Mr; Ph: (07) 4662 4899; Mobile: 015 721 636; Fax: (07) 4662 5244;

Research organisations: Horizon Rural Management, 56 Drayton Street, Dalby Qld 4405; Peter E. Ridge & Associates, 5 Shamrock Court, Toowoomba, Qld 4350

Sponsor: LWRRDC, Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation


To contribute to the identification of R&D priorities for the National Climate Variability R&D Program by:

  • reviewing current and planned training activities and associated major products (publications, software, etc.) targeted at managing climate risk. Coverage to include use of the climate record, seasonal climate forecasts and more novel aspects of 1-5 day weather forecasts;
  • documenting major training materials, modules, etc. used in training programs for managing climate risks;
  • collating major issues, opportunities etc. which are relevant to identifying R&D priorities for managing climatic risks.


Training and resource materials prepared in conjunction with research programs on Climate Risk Management and the Property Management Planning (PMP) programs across Australia were examined. Interviews were conducted with PMP coordinators and facilitators in each State, and other relevant people. These included staff of State Departments of Agriculture and the Bureau of Meteorology, as well as agricultural consultants and farmers.


A major part of this study was the examination of activities connected with the PMP program. This has been developed in response to the Commonwealth's national campaign that provided funding under the National Landcare Program as part of implementing strategies under the new National Drought Policy. In New South Wales, PMP is promoted under Farming for the Future (FFTF). In Victoria it has assumed the name Farm$mart. In Western Australia it operates as Business Check, while in Tasmania it is referred to as Farmwi$e. The PMP banner has been retained in South Australia and Queensland.

Not all of the communications about Climate Risk Management to farmers are being conducted under the auspices of the PMP program. Drought management has always been an important component of extension strategies for animal industries, particularly the beef industry. Individual researchers, such as Dr Roger Stone in Queensland, have been responsible for publicising their work and taking part in many farmer workshops. The Bureau of Meteorology has been involved in an increasing number of presentations to farmers, and has a number of pamphlets that are circulating in the rural community. Other important contributions have been made by farm management consultants in their work with some 10,000 farmers around Australia.

Period: starting date 1995-10; completion date 1995-11.

Status: completed

Keywords: climatic risk, risk management, property management planning, self-reliance, farmer training, drought management


Ridge, P. and Wylie, P. (1996). Improved management of climate risk. LWRRDC Occasional Paper CV01/96.


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